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Your Empire® of

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing | Search engine optimization | SEO

Advertising agency Switzerland


Napoleon Hill

“Whatever the mind can conceive

and believe, it can achieve.”

Are you ready to grow your business? 

How can we help you ?

Thank you for your message

Take off instead of going with the flow.

We work with the aim of developing exactly the right positioning for your brand and not inventing just any positioning. The brand that is not the same for each of your competitors but represents your individuality.


Internet presence


graphical user interface, application
a group of cell phones with marketing mockups
close-up of a person writing on a book
a person looking for the best marketing agency on the phone

Build my digital image and show who I am

Branding & Web Design

Website opened on cell phone
Website opened on lap top computer
Branding example | Merchandise Design
Coaching Photo
Mock up photo
Branding applying | Mock up

Market my ideas

and unite in one picture

Digital 360° Package

Strategy / Communication / Advertising

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"Professionelles Logo Design für Ihre Marke von erfahrenen Grafikdesignern" - Unser Grafikdesign-Team erstellt individuelle, professionelle Logo-Designs für Ihre Marke. Wir berücksichtigen Ihre Wünsche und Anforderungen und setzen diese kreativ um, um Ihnen ein Logo zu liefern, das Ihre Zielgruppe anspricht und sich von der Konkurrenz abhebt. Mit unserem Logo-Design-Service erhalten Sie ein maßgeschneidertes und einzigartiges Logo, das Ihre Marke optimal repräsentiert. Zu unseren Leistungen im Bereich Logo Design gehören unter anderem Farb- und Typografie-Analysen sowie eine umfassende Beratung. Logo Design, Grafikdesign, individuell, professionell, Marke, Farbanalyse, Typografie-Analyse, Beratung
Professionelle SEO-Dienstleistungen für Ihre Website
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"Professionelle Fotoaufnahmen für besondere Momente" - Unser Fotografie-Team bietet Ihnen professionelle Fotoaufnahmen für besondere Momente, sei es für private Anlässe oder geschäftliche Zwecke. Wir setzen Ihre Vorstellungen kreativ um und sorgen dafür, dass die Atmosphäre und Emotionen des Augenblicks eingefangen werden. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihnen Fotos zu liefern, die Sie immer wieder gerne anschauen und die eine bleibende Erinnerung schaffen. Fotoaufnahmen, professionell, private Anlässe, geschäftliche Zwecke, Kreativität, Emotionen
"Effektives Branding für eine starke Markenidentität" - Unser Branding-Service unterstützt Sie dabei, eine starke Markenidentität aufzubauen und sich von der Konkurrenz abzuheben. Wir entwickeln eine Strategie, die auf Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist und setzen diese kreativ um. Durch eine einheitliche und authentische Markenbotschaft schaffen wir ein Wiedererkennungswert und stärken das Vertrauen in Ihre Marke. Branding, Markenidentität, Strategie, Wiedererkennungswert, Vertrauen, Kreativität
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Wirkungsvolles Videomarketing für Ihre Zielgruppe
"Erfolgreiches Digitalmarketing für Ihre Online-Präsenz" - Unser Digitalmarketing-Service unterstützt Sie dabei, Ihre Online-Präsenz zu optimieren und Ihre Zielgruppe effektiv anzusprechen. Wir entwickeln eine individuelle Strategie, die auf Ihre Bedürfnisse und Ziele abgestimmt ist und setzen diese mit professionellem Know-how um. Zu unseren Leistungen im Bereich Digitalmarketing gehören unter anderem Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO), Social Media Marketing, E-Mail Marketing und Content Marketing. Wir sorgen dafür, dass Sie im digitalen Raum sichtbar sind und Ihre Zielgruppe auf allen relevanten Kanälen erreichen. Digitalmarketing, Online-Präsenz, Strategie, SEO, Social Media Marketing, E-Mail Marketing, Content Marketing, Sichtbarkeit, Zielgruppe
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Erfolgreiche ADS-Kampagnen für Ihre digitale Werbung
Wirkungsvolle Erklärvideos für Ihre Botschaften

If you need something


We know the latest tricks &  the common mistakes. 


Anyone who takes care of online marketing campaigns every day knows the usual mistakes that newcomers make and knows the really effective tricks and tips from the trade press and past campaigns

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Modernes Webdesign für eine ansprechende Online-Präsenz | Benutzerfreundlichkeit
Erfolgreiche Landingpages für Ihre Marketingkampagnen

A few words from our experts

Some of ours Partners

Empire Solution is known for not just presenting you with any solution. But that we find the solution that perfectly suits you, your company and the needs of your customers.


In order to make this possible, we   work together with various partners. Such a large network has developed over the years. Together with the respective partner(s), we address individual requirements and develop a solution that fits perfectly into your company!


the entrepreneur, doesn't care at all about digital marketing


have bad or non-functioning websites and social media channels


of the companies we can make look better online and offline

Let's talk numbers:

Bern, Switzerland, Stadt, City, Buildings

Some of ours Partners


The project start marks the beginning of a project. In the narrower sense, the project start includes all activities & measures of project preparation (also called initialization), in a broader sense also the conceptual orientation of the project

Company - Customer - Content
concept & idea

Define marketing goals

Establish marketing strategy

Set marketing budget

Determine marketing measures

your marketing mix

marketing controlling

define goal

SMART goals definition


Specific: Make your goals as specific as possible. Measurable: Define criteria that ultimately show whether you have achieved the goal. Attractive: Formulate your goals in such a way that you want to achieve them. Realistic: The goal should be achievable with your time and resources.

  • Market Research

  • studying the possibilities


The company analysis looks at the internal resources and examines the strengths, weaknesses and characteristics of the company from which competitive advantages or disadvantages can arise.

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We work in a small teams

so that we can give 100% for you!

No, not just any leads, but pre-qualified and warm leads, for your company.

Then you are on the right place!

Warm Leads

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Prequalified Leads

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Our advertising agency in Switzerland offers a wide range of digital marketing services to position and strengthen your business online.


In addition to search engine optimization, we also offer social media marketing, search engine marketing and content marketing.


We develop customized strategies to increase your brand awareness and reach potential customers.

Are you ready for more leads?

What is the process of working with your agency on a digital marketing campaign?

Our agency follows a proven process for developing a digital marketing campaign that includes research and analysis, setting goals and KPIs, identifying target audiences, and developing a comprehensive plan that includes tactics, timelines, and budgets. Throughout the project, we maintain open communication with our clients and provide regular updates on our progress.

Can you provide case studies or examples of successful digital marketing campaigns from previous clients?

Absolutely! We have successfully executed digital marketing campaigns for clients in various industries and would be delighted to share case studies and examples with you.

How do you determine the best digital marketing channels for my business?

We utilize various factors to determine the best digital marketing channels for your business, including your target audience, business objectives, budget, and competitive landscape. We employ a data-driven approach to identify the most effective channels for your specific business.

What is your approach to SEO and how will you optimize my website for search engines?

Our approach to SEO is comprehensive and includes keyword research, on-page optimization, content creation, link building, and ongoing monitoring and analysis. We work with you to optimize your website for search engines and ensure that your content is high-quality, relevant, and engaging.

How will you measure the success of my digital marketing campaign and what kind of reporting can I expect?

We utilize various tools and metrics to measure the success of your digital marketing campaign, including traffic, engagement, conversions, and ROI. We provide regular reporting on these metrics that is tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Can you explain your approach to social media marketing and how will you interact with my target audience on social media?

Our approach to social media marketing focuses on creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience and promotes engagement and conversions. We use a mix of organic and paid social media tactics and monitor and respond to feedback and comments from your target audience.

How do you stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in digital marketing?

We have a culture of continuous learning and professional development, with team members attending conferences, webinars, and industry events, as well as being active in online communities and forums dedicated to digital marketing. We also stay up-to-date on trends and best practices by conducting regular research and adapting our strategies and tactics to ensure they meet the changing requirements and needs of our clients.


You asked, we answered.

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